Friday, July 20, 2012


I bath in the rain of divine love, each drop of wajdan washes away the impurities of sins. Let me dissolve myself in these little drops, let me melt away like salt. Let this rain take my soul's chains. Oh God please help me get rid of these demons of mine that claw in my flesh, that feed on the steams of raging blood flowing in my veins. My heart has become so feeble, its cries of tauhid have been overshadowed by the loud, vicious sounds of my nafs. Oh God let me drown this nafs of mine in the ocean of your love.

kaiye sassiyan thala wich rulian
kaiye ranjhe jogi howe

 The search of love starts from you and ends on you, the true form of love, the true ecstasy. Dont wake me up, let me drown in this love. The only way to purify my soul and body is this little drop of love, let me dissolve in it. Am so tired of walking in this desert of sin bare feet, let me quench my thirst and be lost in it like vapours...


quartertoinsane said...

Lovely Prayer.

Jack said...


There is nothing which can compare to Love of God.

Take care

Jack said...


This is to wish EID MUBARAK to you all.

Take care

PS : Wish I could send an e-card.

Jack said...


EID MUBARAK to you all.

Take care

Biya said...

Thank you so much :)